Sea Shanty and Ale Evening
33 Lodge members, Ladies and friends attended an evening of song and ale at the Dog and Duck in Bognor, a great evening was had by all and £722 was raised for the WM’s Charities.
Christmas Decoration Crew
Thanks to the few who turned up to decorate the hall for Christmas!
Sussex for Sussex Award
Felpham Lodge has been presented with the following certificate in recognition of our contribution to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex’s ‘Sussex for Sussex’ appeal.
Charity cycle rides
From W.Bro Graham Watson On Sunday the 14th July I attended a 61 mile cycle ride out of Peterborough with my Nephew and Niece, it was their first long distance ride and they did very well although I had to hold back to look after my Niece. We did the ride in 4 hours 11 minutes on a flat and...